Do you have a blogging routine?

I’m actually typing this post as I run up the stairs to my room, dropping my laptop off before dashing to work. I didn’t get time today to respond to everyone’s comments on my recent posts, but I will later.

The problem with hobbies and passions are they are hostage to time. Often our working lives are seperate from our hobbies (as much as I would like my job to be travelling and blogging) and we have to work it around a full time schedule.

Here I am, dashing to work. Working on a rainy day makes working easier.

This full time schedule for me is shift work, meaning my work day varies. If I am working 7-3, I will respond to comments and publish a post after this. If I am on a 3-11, I will blog on a morning. Recently I have been doing a few 1-9pm shifts, leaving me little time before or after work. I still blog on a morning before work and try to start building a post on the evening in time for the morning. I love blogging everyday as it keeps me focused and builds my momentum. It frustrates me if I miss a day.

Because I am not in a stable 9-5, my routine changes slightly daily but it’s always comments first, blog post second. That’s worked for me over the past few years.

What routine works for you?


Thank you again to all my followers and regular readers, and hello to you if you are new to my blog!

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Happy blogging!

Published by

Dealing with Disorder

A website dedicated to Tourette, OCD and co-occurring conditions. Daily updates celebrating neurodiversity.

55 thoughts on “Do you have a blogging routine?”

    1. I know what you mean, despite blogging daily sometimes when that mood hits I don’t even need to try to type up a post, it just posts itself. It is much easier to blog when the mood is there!

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  1. I’ve wanted to run a blog for years but never committed to it because of my schedule. The hours for career I’m in varies day to day and sadly inspiration doesn’t always hit at the best time. But I’m doing my best to work around that.
    Kudos to you for being consistent despite the obstacles!

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    1. I am trying 🙂

      What I love about blogging is that it is something we are able to do 24/7. Some hobbies are only able to be carried out during opening hours (such a sports training), however we can blog anywhere at any time. I am trying to use this to my advantage as best I can and when that inspiration hits you, you can start typing no matter where you are! Maybe if you add thoughts to your drafts when an idea hits and come back t it later that would maybe help, as it has for me 🙂

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    1. Similar to my schedule. I struggle to write a post knowing I have comments left unresponded to, and comments can build fast! Right now I am having breakfast and whizzing through my comments as this gives me peace of mind. I hate not responding to you on time! 🙂

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  2. Since my posts are really essays, it takes me hours to research, write and edit (and edit and edit) them–particularly when data collection and analysis is involved. This is why I tend to post only weekly, on average.

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    1. You do you, if that means you publish a great post once a week, keep at it. I admire your long posts, as I struggle with the motivation unless I have something that I am really passionate about and am happy to sit for an hour or so typing. I have tried that method and it is hard or impossible to blog daily with!

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  3. My main blog ( The Snail Trail) takes time to research, sort through photos, and try and write in an entertaining and informative way. As I travel full time and rely on solar power mainly I have to wait for the right time to do this blog. So last month I started what I hoped would be a daily blog called The Daily Snail and although I’ve missed a few days here and there it’s going pretty well on schedule. Having this new blog doesn’t make me feel so bad about not being so regular with my main one and I can do short snapshots of places and things that would normally not make it to The Snail Trail. I don’t want my blogs to become a chore! I definitely want to enjoy what I do. 😎

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    1. I like to get everything else out the way before I touch my blog. I always have this little voice in my head saying ‘shouldn’t you get this done and out of the way first?’ regarding chores and other things. If I get things done and have a clear head, it benefits my blog. It seems you have a similar mentality around it? 🙂


  4. Even when I feel like no inspiration comes out, I try to focus at least once during the weekend when I have more time, and if I have any other ideas, I simply post them. I don’t mind posing 4 things in 2 days and not posting for the rest of the week, but so long as I do at least that one weekly post, I feel like I reached my minimum target. After all, my “Weekend morning writing activity” (as I call it) has worked for already more than 20 weeks. The number keep me going as well since I would hate to miss the strike and increase that number with each blogging week 😀

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    1. Congrats for keeping consistent over the past 20 weeks or so! That is a big achievement. I find it is easier over time to remain consistent once I have that ball rolling and have increased in how much I blog since. The only thing I don’t want to do is over blog, and have posts that I am proud of sink and go unread underneath new ones I have thrown out there. Frequent (but not too frequent) and consistent blogging is key 🙂

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  5. Hey, same here, i also work on different field with my hobbies (travelling & blogging). But i have 8-4 pm schedule, and i don’t make post every day. Maybe i’m more like the comment above, just when the mood hits. Though, actually posting on blog will eventually raise my mood. But yeah, you know, sometimes because i’m already tired from office job, physically and mentally, i feel too lazy to arrange words and photos into a blog post… Lol, that’s my story 🙂 Nice too meet you… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha everyone is different and it works differently for each and every one of us. As long as you blog when the mood hits, that is the main thing 🙂

      Nice to meet you too!

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  6. My goal is to post once a week, but that doesn’t always happen. I work full-time as well so finding the time can be difficult and I’m usually too tired in the evenings during the week. I find weekends a good time to catch up with reading and finalising my posts, but I don’t have any particular set routine – as and when I can really!

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    1. It is hard around a full time schedule, I guess that is why I prefer to blog on a morning as I still have my energy before work. If it isn’t something we have to do, the motivation to do it can be hard!

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  7. I sit down first thing every morning with a cup of coffee and my laptop. I proceeded to check all my emails and then I drift to my WordPress page. There I go through the reader where I see everybody’s post pick out the ones I want to read and comment if needed. Then I think of what I’ve already scheduled to be posted on this day and what else I can add. I checked the news and see if there’s anything interesting that I could share with my readers. After a couple hours, I stop writing, turn off my computer, and go do what I need to do with the rest of my day. If I have time throughout the day I will check my cell phone and go on to WordPress and answer any comments check on them, and respond.

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    1. Getting straight into your blog on a morning is a good idea… and I also need the coffee! Once I have been on my blog I feel much better about the rest of the day. Good on you for finding that morning and daily motivation! 🙂


  8. I used to make time every day to blog, but with WordPress I’m more apt to write a few at a time and schedule them for later. I do check in every morning to read and comment though. Thank God for mobile apps!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I should really try to use the scheduling option more like you do, as some days I have much more time than others and doing what you do would really be of benefit. I agree, the app is a life saver on the go!


  9. I always try to get a post up on Wednesday’s at any time of the day. I’m not too picky (but maybe that’s why my blog isn’t growing as much). If I don’t have time one week to post, I ask fellow writers to make a guest post for my blog, with little to no rules or guidelines. What I love about my blog is it really does just do it’s thing. There’s no rhyme or reason to my posts — I just know I’m not alone in my experiences. So my imperfect blog has an imperfect schedule that tries really hard.

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    1. The perfect blog doesn’t exist 🙂 You are free to make it what you want, and that is what I love about blogging. Also, the variety of posts you may come up with may build a wider range of audience, instead of having one single topic. I am sure it will continue to grow as long as you are consistent in how often you blog 🙂

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  10. I started off trying to post every Monday and Saturday but found that my hectic schedule at college doesn’t want to cooperate with that idea. I’d like to have more of a set schedule but am just trying to get by on once a week for now until I get my life together… If that ever happens…

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    1. I once tried to post on set days, and I struggled with it and later ditched the idea. For me, smaller posts daily is a lot more manageable that longer posts once or twice a week. But everyone is different and makes it work in different ways.

      Oh and getting life together is a tough thing to do 😀

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  11. I like to strike when the muse hits but that is not always possible so I quickly draft an idea then come back to it when I have more time, usually in the evening. I don’t like to post drivel just to fill up the page each day, better I leave it until next day when there’s something good to write. Loving this springtime rain!!!

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    1. I do that too, I like to add to my drafts so I don’t forget. I know there are things I wanted to blog about but forgot what they were an hour or so later, it’s very annoying!
      I like that you don’t blog just for the sake of it. Quality and not quantity 🙂

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  12. I am a SAMH (stay at home mum) so technically I should have tons of time to blog, but I don’t….I am lucky if I can squeeze in 2 solid hours of “me time” a day….and that includes, showering, reading, taking a nap and blogging. But because I love it so much, I am even sacrificing sleep to get some idea, which has taken seed in my head, down before it gets lost between laundry, parent teacher meetings and juggling homework. I really wish I could set aside more time to blog, a dedicated time so I could reach out to other bloggers, or promote my site on social meda….but alas for now, a 30-min window is all I can assign daily to my blog.

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    1. It sounds like even though you are very busy, you still dedicate time daily to blog. Probably more time than others that have much more free time! I can imagine despite being a SAHM it still keeps you very busy 🙂


  13. You blog everyday? Thats cool! I am only bloging once a week almost right now! I would like to blog everyday but sometimes it is impossible. I have an 8 to 5job so it makes it a bit harder i guess especially since i always end up leaving the office later

    Would love if you guys take a look at my blog and leave feedback 🙂

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    1. Thanks for sharing, I do blog every day but it leaves me with little free time. But I don’t mind that. Blogging once a week works well for some blogs, just not mine. I am sure it works for you! My posts are short and therefore not worthy of someone having to wait a week for haha.


  14. My routine looks somewhat like: Monday- format and create images for posts, Tuesday- begin drafting one of my 3 posts a week (currant goal), Wednesday- edit and finalize post 1 and start drafting post 2, Thursday- edit and finalize post 2 and begin draft for post 3, Friday- edit and finalize post 3. Saturday and Sunday I just can’t manage to do any blog work with everyone home.

    Being a stay at home mom, I have to put effort into making my family understand that my blogging time is my time. Some weeks are better than others.

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    1. Wow, very organised and a lot of effort. I admire that. I guess it is hard being a stay at home mum trying to work with the distractions! I am glad you are able to 🙂

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