I got told off by airport security for this shot

Not sure what the exact reason was, but I loved the view.

Taken on route from Sydney to Cairns.

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Dealing with Disorder

A website dedicated to Tourette, OCD and co-occurring conditions. Daily updates celebrating neurodiversity.

33 thoughts on “I got told off by airport security for this shot”

  1. Actually, every airport has a rule about passengers stopping and standing on tarmac. Considering the number of tractors and trucks transporting luggage, food and fuel it is dangerous for anyone to tarry on the tarmac. Moreover, terrorists have used photos to monitor security protocols, to locate access points on aircraft and to recreate the uniforms of those persons who service the aircraft. In the interest of safety I won’t elaborate on the other reasons.

    At one of the airports I travel through on a regular basis has a sidewalk that is very close to the parked aircraft. I asked the guard if I could take a picture of a particularly interesting graphic on one of the planes. As I was standing on the sidewalk and behind a safety railing, he allowed to snap the shot. Of course, the “Press ID” hanging from the lanyard around my neck probably influenced his decision.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Interesting, thank you for sharing. I can understand why it is the way it is, and I didn’t complain, I just said nothing and boarded the flight! I am pleased with the shot though, I may just have to resist in future.


    1. I like them too, the chances are high for getting a great one and the airports are often so open and not obscured by too many tall buildings. And then there are sunsets whilst in the air, even better!


  2. Nice capture. As for being ‘told off’, there are times that ‘security personnel’ have been inadequately trained as to what my or may not be photographed, so they error on the side of caution.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks. I can understand why they did so, it may not have been the wisest move to take a photo of the front of the plane, although nothing is ever said whilst waiting to board. I guess the closer, the more concern they have.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. She wasn’t over the top, just asked me to put it away so I decided that was best. I guess they have to in this day in age, although I looked harmless in my flowery shorts!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The shot is beautiful . I understand why security gave you a hassle . They do that to us here in the United States as well not only at airports, but at the Greyhound bus terminal in Baltimore , Maryland . NO PICTURES ARE ALLOWED at all. Welcome to the age of terrorism . That never happened before.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I don’t get that one but whatever. I do NOT have a very good relationship with our TSA guys. I have had hip surgery and I always “ring the bell” when I go through the scanners. That ALWAYS generates the pat-down, then the scan with the hand-held device. Love you site. Take care.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for the lovely words! I feel bad for you ringing the bell every time, that must be a pain… I wonder how many others have to go through the same procedure due to surgery, maybe the security hate hearing the bell all day as well xD


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