Finding time to blog

It is 4.20pm and I have only been awake a couple of hours. I set my alarm to wake me up at 2.30pm, the reason being that I was on a double shift at work due to someone being ill. My shift was 5pm to 6am. On top of that I had to work a nightshift the night before last, so I rushed home, got some sleep and set my alarm for 3pm to give me enough time to prepare for my 5pm start. This was before I realised I would be in much longer than intended. It is safe to say working full time makes it difficult to blog.


This is a picture from one of my recent commutes. I decided on black and white to enhance the blandness of rush hour commuting. If there is one thing that helps inspire me to escape this kind of life, it is having this kind of life. I mentioned Casey Neistat in one of my recent posts and he has said in interviews that working as a pot wash in a kitchen was one of the reasons he became successful. To do a job you hate is the best way to find inspiration to become successful and have a career that you want to have. I can relate to this, although I have never been a pot wash, as I know that I don’t want to see the view above everyday.

My current blogging schedule goes something like this. I get up early, around 8-9am as I really struggle to get up earlier if I finished work at 11pm the night before. I open my laptop and respond to your comments. I do this first and once I have responded to everyone (I am so sorry if I have missed responding to certain comments) I create a post. I then double check the post for grammatical errors, photo glitches etc. and put it out there. 

I then spend the next eight hours at work (only eight hours depending on people not being sick and coming into work ) thinking of what to blog about next. I also use the time commuting to work, heading home after work and with the photos I have captured along the way to decide what I want to blog about. I then go home, set my alarm and wake up the next day to answer the comments on the post before publishing the new post.

Thank you for the comments and likes by the way. There is nothing that makes setting my alarm easier than knowing my posts are being enjoyed by readers.

Of course, my schedule at work changes so sometimes I work 7am-3pm instead of 3-11pm. If this is the case, I respond to comments after work, put a post out there, find inspiration to post again, go to sleep and respond to comments on the new post after I wake up. Basically, I blog when I can. I am sure most of you do the same, but with a different schedule. Some blogging more than me and some blogging less.

Then I work occasional nightshifts to help out. This is rare thankfully but it can be a blessing in disguise as I am working with almost no distraction. This is a fantastic opportunity to use free time to blog. I am now using as much free time as possible to be productive and any free time that is not used to do something is time I don’t like having. I hardly use social media anymore and I don’t spend any time watching TV. I did this when I was bored, but thanks to blogging I don’t have a reason to be bored.

So this is just a little insight to my day and how I blog. You will probably know if you have been reading long enough that this varies and posts aren’t out at a certain time of day, but I try my best to post daily. I guess the only consistency is posting daily.

Do you have a blogging schedule? How often do you spend blogging?

Apologies if my insight is a little confusing as despite it now being 4.45pm, my body is in morning mode. Another coffee is much needed.

Published by

Dealing with Disorder

A website dedicated to Tourette, OCD and co-occurring conditions. Daily updates celebrating neurodiversity.

57 thoughts on “Finding time to blog”

  1. very nicely worded blog post…
    similar schedule – managing a full time job and household chores – finding time to blog so I do it this way – try writing anytime anywhere; keep in draft mode, then sit and re-frame, insert pictures, illustrations, check and schedule…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I like the writing anytime- anywhere approach, it helps to write whilst the inspiration is there! Keep at it, sounds like you are doing a great job despite the time constraints!

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  2. Squeezing time in isn’t easy for sure. I get up.a little to allow time to write. Normally 5.30-6.30 am then i use my lunch hour at work and perhaps time un the evening if it allows. Never easy though…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That’s a full schedule for sure! I personally need enough time to relax and recharge, so I don’t spend all my free time blogging, but I also strive to keep a consistency, although a lot less frequent than yours: I post every Saturday. That gives me the whole week to let inspiration find me and prepare a post bit by bit. Sometimes I get to Saturday when something interesting has happened so I write a second post and leave the one I wrote during the week for a time when I have less inspiration…does that make sense? Anyway, well done to you! Is it too much personal information to ask what kind of job you do?

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    1. Whatever works for you 🙂 I personally feel that if I don’t blog daily, I will lose a lot of motivation. I have found that in the past that the longer I stay away from my blog, the harder it is to get back into it. I also do it to keep me occupied and out of my own head as I have struggled with anxiety and mild depression in the past.
      I totally relate to what you said about changing your post last minute if something else comes up, I do this all the time! I have a few drafts for this reason that I have not posted until I find a better time.
      Also the question isn’t not too personal at all 🙂 I work in a hotel. I am on a working holiday visa so I only have two months left of my 6 month contract, but I have had hotel jobs in the past so this was easy for me to find. The only thing I don’t want to do is say which hotel as I feel it is not necessary for my blog, and I also don’t want my thoughts to be associated with the business (as this has been a problem for people and Facebook accounts etc.)
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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      1. It helps with my anxiety too, so I completely understand. And yes, I have also had issues with loosing motivation in the past, that’s why I’m not committed to a schedule. It’s definitely important to find your own rhythm, which will be different for everyone 🙂
        And thanks for the answer about the job (no need to tell us the hotel name at all)! I have a friend from the UK who also wants to go to Australia on the working holiday visa… let’s see if it works out for her.

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      2. Cool! Also, apologies for the ‘isn’t not’ typo in my previous comment… I had to get that out of the way first 🙂
        My working holiday visa came within ten minutes of applying, so it seems to be a relatively easy visa to obtain for a Brit. I hope she goes for it! I always say regret from not doing something is bigger than regret of doing something. It has been for me anyway 🙂

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  4. For now, I’m trying to post 3 times a week, but I suppose I will find strength to do it as you did. And of course, you have a wonderful blog. I like to read it! And one more thing, I know myself how it is to work at night, so brave yourself! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am also working tonight, which I am not looking forward to!
      Thank you for the support of my blog, it really helps me to keep going. Three times a week is still pretty regular and that works for some people. Even once or twice a month works for some, although I couldn’t do that and I would really have to make those posts pretty special!

      I think as long as you are consistent in your frequency, that is the main thing.

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      1. Thank you so much James. My writing skills aren’t very good, however what I have noticed is that they get better the more you write. It’s like going to the gym but for your brain! Anything done more frequently will improve in time, so I am sure great times lie ahead for your blog 🙂

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  5. Working full time definitely makes it harder to blog, especially with shifts that are all over the place, like yours. I blog daily, but I’ve found the best way to write my posts is to do them after work, the night before I want to post them. It’s the only way I really have time to write them, although sometimes I’m just too tired. It sounds like you’re consistent with blogging though! Receiving likes and comments really is a great way to start the day (:

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    1. I used to blog after work when I was regularly finishing late, however like you I was often tired. Sometimes I would type the blog in free time at work and post it on the evening, however I wouldn’t always get the time at work to. Now I just push myself as much as I can, even when tired but this can be hard. Congrats on being a daily blogger, it isn’t easy! Keep it up 🙂

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      1. Sometimes I try to write it in the morning before work, but I usually lack as much time and it’s a lot of pressure getting something done that quickly lol. If I’m feeling motivated I may write up a couple posts in one night to set myself up. It can be hard to blog daily between work and life. It’s definitely harder to write well when you’re tired, so kudos to you! And thank you, keep up the good work on your blog, too 🙂

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      2. It is a great idea to type up a couple of posts when you have the motivation, make the most of it when it’s there! Again I am trying to find the time before heading to work tonight haha. Hopefully it will be another quiet one so I can catch up later too. I hope you’re having a great day 🙂

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    1. There are a few early birds here! I started getting up that early when I arrived in Oz (thanks to jet lag mainly) however now I struggle. I really should try again as this would give me a great head start to the day. You inspire me to try!

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  6. I can’t believe you can blog after working a double shift. I write my posts at the end of my day, just before I go to sleep. You can always tell how tired I am by how many mistakes are in my post, LOL. I also make myself respond to all comments before writing my new post.

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    1. I did have a little sleep, I must admit 🙂 But even when I am tired I just want to blog. If I don’t keep it up, I will lose the motivation I have built! I also find that responding to comments is very valuable and a great way to engage with the community, I am glad you do also 🙂
      Today I may make lots of mistakes, the double shift is finally taking its toll on me haha.

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      1. Yup I love being able to talk to people all over the world and hear so many different perspectives!
        Yes I figure if I start missing days I’ll just stop altogether:(
        Hope you get a good sleep!!

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  7. I am ALL over the place when it comes to blogging. I used to do it all the time when I was at Uni. In fact, I was feeling a bit nostalgic yesterday and started looking through a pdf compiling my old LiveJournal entries and ended up spending an hour reading and reminiscing.

    Currently I am in the process of creating a folder with photos I have taken that have a story behind them. I also use Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge to find inspiration.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I guess going back to old writing is a good inspiration and a great way to gather ideas. But it seems like you have various ways to find inspiration, which is great 🙂

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      1. Some posts were really mundane, but reading back through them I have learned a little bit about my younger self. Particularly about the ways I have and haven’t changed in the 13 years since.

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  8. I do admire you being so committed to blogging! I have to say that blogging for the past year has been a dream come true for me. I thought I would just post up my archive but found myself addicted in no time. Doing prompts. Actually, writing almost everyday. What a blessing it has been to read all of the wonderful writers on WP. I have found that I am often inspired by a word or phrase in another’s writing that turns into a seed of inspiration for me. You might want to try looking more closely at the wonderful word or phase from another. I like to read inspiring quotes and this is also a good source of inspiration.

    Congratulations for spending your time writing and meeting new friends and followers! Your words, works and wisdom will out live you?? You might want to try capturing snippets on your cell phone. It helps make travel time productive.
    Come visit me??

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is great that you have a passion for writing, and that inspiration can come from just a word or phrase! I do often take photos during my journeys and write down things when can, anywhere. There is nothing worse that having a thought or idea and forgetting it.


  9. I’m only starting to get into my blog. Right now my posts come when I have the time.
    I’m not great with words and for good or bad of it I rarely write much on my blog but the title.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well that is certainly a start 🙂 You will get better with words over time I am sure, blogging regularly is great practice and an effective way to improve. Keep at it!

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  10. That photo gives me the fear. I’m lucky i don’t have to commute too far and my work is 10 mins from my house in the car. If i had to commute on train or bus everyday, i think it would wear me down! I have no blogging schedule, if something exciting happens then im sure to write about it, if not, then you wont hear from me for a while. lol. Hence 4 or 5 weeks since my last post lol

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I am lucky that I only live a 15-20 commute on the train from work…. I cross the Harbour Bridge and I am there. Any more than that and it would drive me insane!
      I also used to only blog when there was something to blog about, which was a lot less frequent, however now I am travelling I have exposure to so much more and more reason to blog. I like travel for this reason.

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      1. Aiming to blog once every other week, but I still find it difficult to keep my posts consistent. And my daily schedule is nowhere near as hectic as yours 😂

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      2. Have you tried scheduling them? So even if you are busy, your post will go out at a certain time of day. Or is it the content of the posts that you aren’t consistent with sticking to, or struggling to think of posts to write about?


      3. Firstly, I have found that the longer I have been blogging, the easier it has been to find inspiration. I’ve also heard a lot of people- from bloggers to famous rappers- say that the more they practice and write, the better they get at it.
        Also, I spend a lot of my day just looking around for inspiration and if something hits me, I type it into my notes or into a quick draft on my phone. There are so many ideas that are forgotten whilst we commute to and from work or are busy with other things! I’d say write things down, even if you’re in bed or at work and come back to it later 🙂

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  11. That’s a pretty full day! Most of my days entail driving for 11 hrs, sleeping for 8 and what ever I can get into that day in between those hours. This is usually 6 days a week. This week is abnormal due to weather. Nice blog!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yep, most American truckers usually drive 6-11 hrs per day 6-7 days per week. And if drive as a team like we do (I drive with hubby) then the truck is pretty much rolling 24/6 days. We’re only allowed 70 hrs of work per week which includes on duty Woking but not driving, and we usually reach that in 6 days. So, trying to become a pro-photographer is a bit challenging to say the least.

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      2. Wow, I don’t know if I could drive that long! Go you. But that of course is different for everyone and I have never been a trucker so I wouldn’t know. It does sound fascinating though, and documentaries following truckers make for an interesting watch!


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